01 abril 2006


si todos los bloggeros del mundo le hiciéramos caso a The Strokes, la red no estaría tan CONGESTIONADA...

(Ask Me Anything)
I've got nothing to say, I've got nothing to say
I've got nothing to say, I've got nothing to say
I've got nothing to give
Got no reason to live
But I will fight to survive
I've got nothing to hide
Wish I wasn't so shy
I'd like to watch
I'd like to read
I'd like a part
I'd like the lead
ButI've got nothing to say, I've got nothing to say
I've got nothing to say, I've got nothing to say
I've got nothing to give
Got no reason to live
But I'll kill to survive
I've got nothing to hide
Wish I wasn't so shy

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 es un #podcast que escribo para #portalsonoro de #Sonoropodcast una ficción con Stephen King como personaje principal, lo pueden escuchar e...